Saturday, April 9, 2011

t-11 days

Well, today I pack all my gear back up and tomorrow I load it on the bike weather permitting for a major test run with the bike fully loaded.

How about that, our Congress has agreed to fund the government for yet another 5 days. These clowns are holding the people of the United States hostage and running our government into the ground. I still think they all should be deemed as criminals and terrorist then locked up in Cuba and tried for something. We need to hold a "Constitutional Convention" and modify the powers and responsibilities of Congress so that they can be held criminally accountable for not doing their jobs. Like passing a budget on time and learning how to work in the best interest of the all citizens of the United States not just special interests or for their own political/party benefits. They waste more tax payers money than ever now. It is time for a social revolution in how we elect and who we send to represent us in our government. I think none of them should be re-elected but, nobody thinks it was their congress person or senators fault. It was their fault ,all their fault, and none of them are fit to hold office any longer as far as I am concerned. They really don't care about any one or thing except themselves. If you think I am pissed off about this crap, you would be correct in your assumption. I have been a registered voter since I could be and have voted in every election that I was able to since I came of age and I have had enough of this crap. I really don't know what else to do but bitch about it. I did write my congressman Gerry Connelly and he didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of my comments. (Yes, I was polite and respectful when I wrote.)  The Congress, the President have all postured now and trying to shift the blame onto someone else. Funny, how no one will step up and say yes we are responsible for this we have not accomplished what we were elected to do and you should hold us all responsible. We will do better. They have no back bone they all are slime balls in my opinion. Slick two faced lying politicians to the core every single one of them. OK, enough of my ranting. But, I still think the President should have them all locked up and tried. Then we should elect a new Congress. And that is one man's opinion. Too bad 350 million more of us don't all share that thought??? Maybe enough of us do that we could vote them all out of office in 2012. I wish.

Sorry, about that, but I really needed to get that off my chest. Besides, I don't have much to write about otherwise until the trip gets started.

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